- Before Christ, Testour had been Barbaric Amazigh and the lobbyits named it "Tkila" Or "Tichella" which means green grass
- It was subject to the authoritarian influence of the Phonecians, Romans and Byzantines and then she became a part of the Aghlabids then the Sanhajins
- Joined the barbaric Yogurta in his war against the romans alongside Tanka
- It sought chaos after that.
- The arabic tribes fought over her especially the ones coming from the Egyptian Saiid
- The Moseks traveled towards it (Muslim and Jewish arabs) and established the "Rhiba" neighbourhood which has a mosque and an arena to fight bulls
- On September 22 1609Spanish King Philip III issued a decision to expel anyone who did not convert to christianity
-Starting from 1609, over 80 thouzand refugees came from Andalusia and established over 20 villages with Testour as it's biggest as it is located over Majrda river.
- Most refugees were from Kchatala and Aragon and they built the Tagrino neighbourhood for Muslims and another for Jews
- The big mosque is at the center of the city and the market area is crossed by three parallel streets in a chessboard style
- There are over 14 mosques and 40 corners
- Testour gave birth to many cultural, religious, and scientific people in the recent history among them are Ibrahim Ryahi, Ibrahim Tibli, Ali Koundi, Slimane ben Mostfa, Zabis Azaldin Krwashi, Mohamed Ben Chabane, Hbiba Msika, Khmais Zin and , Salah Khmisi.
- The Malouf art is the biggest cultural feature that characterized the Andalusian immigration. The Malouf festival is 50 years old.
- The Andalusians add a lot in the agriculture and manual crafts (Pottery - wood - iron - Halfa)
- The Andalusian food is tasty and unique due to its use of Zafran plan and Goat cheese
- Among the distinctive clothings : the Djeba, Serwal, Mentan
- The Testourian women is characterized by tailoring the woolen fabric to create all sorts of covers (Frashiya, Battaniya, Hanbal, Margoum, Kashabiya, Kardoun)
- Testour resisted the French colonization and the incident of the 26 of February 1953 against the general resident de Hauteclocque is a clear proof.
- A municipality was established on 31 december 1957 but it didnt start its work until 1960
- All the presidents of Tunisia gave it a visit in different occasions and circumstances