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البتًاة العمومية
محاضر الجلسات
محاضر الجلسات العادية
الجلسات التمهيدية
الجلسات الإستثنائية
الجلسات التشاركية
البرنامج التشاركي للإستثمار
تقارير التصرف في الشكاوي
التقرير السنوي للنفاذ غلى المعلومة لسنة 2020
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Geographical location
Testour's media spotlight
City's history
The town tour
The city in numbers
The economic life
Establishments and associations
Economic establishments
Administrative equipment
Establishment date
Municipal council
The Administrative Work Schedule
Children's municipal council
Main policy
Main achievements
Municipal properties
Structural organization
Management plan
Material available
The budget
Summary of Municipal Revenue
Summary of Municipal Expenditures
Record of the meetings
Civil status
Follow-up of building permits
Municipal services
Local taxes
Urban field
Follow-up of building permits
national ID card
File No
Municipality of Testour
Zahr Festival of Testour
"Heritage month" Event
End of the construction works of the new Sports complex in the Delegation of Testour
Décoration group of Testour
Arrival of the German delegation to Testour's municipality
A colloquy in the context of a Project of the city network of organized by Testour's municipality with partnership with the national university of Tunisian cities and German Cooperation Agency
The Municipality of Testour has welcomed students from The "ULT" university
Working sessions on the development of the tourist circuit of Testour
Work session dedicated to "Nzaynou Testour" campaign
Session of creation of Testour Journal